Entering vendor records

Before entering vendor records

Consider the following points:

  • Some states levy a use tax on out-of-state purchases. You can enter the use tax rate in the 'Use Tax' Rate text box.
  • In some states, subcontractors are not required to carry Workers’ Compensation insurance. The general contractor often covers the liability of the subcontractor through the general contractor’s policy. You can enter the general contractor’s rate in the Work Comp Rate text box.
  • Select the Internal Vendor checkbox to mark the vendor as an internal supplier, which only affects vendor reports.
  • Select the Separate check for each invoice checkbox to tell the system to print separate checks for each invoice for each vendor.

Important! Be sure to enter all the important information regarding vendors. Sage 100 Contractor uses information entered in the 4-4 Vendors (Accounts Payable) window for other functions such as scheduling and sending faxes and email messages. If fax numbers and email addresses for vendors are not entered in these windows, vendor contacts do not appear on the fax and email distribution lists.

To enter a vendor record:

  1. Open 4-4 Vendors (Accounts Payable).
  2. In the data control text box, enter the vendor number.
  3. In the Vendor Name text box, enter the full vendor name.
  4. In the Short Name text box, enter a brief name for the vendor.
  5. In the Vendor Type list, select the vendor type.
  6. In the General Information tab:
    1. In the Owner text box, enter the name of the person to contact at the vendor’s office.
    2. In the Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Zip text boxes, enter the address.
    3. In the User Def1 and User Def2 text boxes, enter the user-defined information as necessary.
    4. In the Minority Type list, select the type of minority if applicable.
    5. In the Tax District text box, enter the sales tax district number.
  7. In the Financial Information tab:
    1. In the Federal Id# text box, enter the vendor’s Federal Identification Number.
    2. In the State Id# text box, enter the vendor’s State Identification number.
    3. In the Account# text box, enter your account number the vendor uses to identify your company.
    4. In the License# text box, enter the contractor’s license number.
    5. In the Resale# text box, enter the vendor’s resale number.
    6. In the 1099 Type list, select the 1099 status.
    7. If you have obtained the vendor's consent to email their 1099 form, select the Aatrix Electronic 1099 Consent checkbox, and then enter the email address of the vendor contact who should receive the 1099 form.

    8. In the YTD Activity text box, enter the vendor balance for the current year.
    9. As necessary, select the Internal Vendor checkbox.
  8. Click the Invoice Defaults tab, then:
    1. In the Due Terms text box, enter the cycle for the date when the invoice is due.

      In Sage 100 Contractor, a cycle is represented by ##DY (a number of days), ##MO (a number of months), and ##TH (a specified day every month). You replace the ## symbols with the number of days or months, or the day of the month for the processing cycle. For example:

      • 30DY means due every 30 days.
      • 02MO means due every two months.
      • 25TH means due on the 25th day of each month. Sage 100 Contractor displays the 25th of the month following the invoice date when you enter a new invoice for a vendor

    2. In the Discount Terms text box, enter the cycle for the date by which the vendor must receive payment for the discount to apply.
    3. In the Discount Rate text box, enter the discount rate.
    4. In the Work Comp Rate text box, enter the workers' compensation rate.
    5. In the Ledger Account text box, enter the ledger account to which you want to post.
    6. In the Cost Code text box, enter the default cost code.
    7. In the Cost Type list, select the default cost type to assign.
    8. In the Invoice Status list, select the status to assign an invoice or credit.
    9. In the PO/Contract Warning list, select the warning status you want to assign to the vendor.
    10. In the 'Use Tax' Warning list, select whether to display a warning message or no message if there is no use tax on an invoice, or to require users to enter a use tax for the vendor before they can save an invoice.
    11. If you need to send a separate check for each invoice, select the Separate check for each invoice checkbox.
    12. If you want to put the vendor's invoices on the Hot List automatically, select the Put on the Hot List checkbox.
    13. If you want to allow duplicate invoice numbers, select the Allow duplicate invoice numbers checkbox.
  9. Click the Other Defaults tab, then:
    1. In the RFP Type list, select the type of RFP you often create for the vendor.
    2. In the Description text box, enter the default description for RFPs.
    3. In the Purchase Order Type list, select the type of order you often create for the vendor.
    4. In the Description text box, enter a brief statement about the purchase order.
    5. In the Subcontract Type list, select the type of subcontract you often create for the vendor.
    6. In the Description text box, enter a brief statement about the subcontract.
    7. From the Preferred Payment Method list, select the payment method you use most frequently for this vendor.

      Sage 100 Contractor displays the payment method in the 4-3-2 Pay Vendors window and uses it to verify the selected payment method.

  10. Click the ACH Payment Setup tab, then do the following:
    1. Select the Enable ACH payment box.
    2. For the ACH Account Status, select one of the following statuses:

      • 0—None
      • 1—Prenote
      • 2—10 day wait
      • 3—Active
      • 4—Inactive
      1. For the Account Type, select one of the following account types:

        • 1—Checking
        • 2—Savings
      2. In the Routing# text box, enter your vendor’s bank routing number.
    3. In the Bank Account# text box, enter the vendor's bank account number.
    4. In the Email Receipt to text box, enter the email address to receive the ACH payment receipt.
  11. Click the Contact grid, and then:

    1. In the Contact Name text box, enter the contact's name.

      Important! The first contact in the list is considered the primary contact in reports.

    2. In the Job Title text box, enter the contact's job title.
    3. In the Phone# text box, enter the contact’s telephone number.
    4. In the Extension text box, enter the contact's telephone extension, as necessary.
    5. In the Email text box, enter the contact's email address.
    6. In the Cell# text box, enter the contact’s cellular number.
    7. In the Fax# text box, enter the contact’s fax number.
    8. In the Other# text box, enter the contact’s other telephone number.
    9. In the Other Description text box, enter the contact’s other telephone number description.
    10. In the Notes text box, enter any applicable notes about the contact.
    11. Enter the vendor licenses and certificates.
  12. Click File > Save.
  13. If you want to set the vendor's 1099 balance for the calendar year:
    1. Refresh the vendor record by clicking the back arrow button (next to the record number in the upper left-hand corner) then clicking the forward arrow button advance to the new record again.
    2. Select Options >  1099 Balance Startup/Adjustment to open the 1099 Balance Startup/Adjustment window.
    3. Select the current date in the Adjustment Date box, and then type the vendor's starting 1099 balance in the 1099 Balance Startup/Adjustment box.
    4. Click [Save].